The title of the manuscripts/research papers should be in bold case (font size 14). The title should be short and precise
The author's names should be on a normal face (font size 12). The author's names should be as first name, middle name( if any) followed by surnames.
The corresponding author should be denoted by an asterisk mark.
The abstract must be typed in a single space. So it should be differentiated from the Introduction. Abstracts should briefly highlight the introduction, materials and methods, major and important results, and conclusion in one paragraph. It should be in between 100-200 words.
Keywords should be four to six words after the abstract.
It should start as the next paragraph after the abstract; The Introduction should highlight the importance/essence of the study. The purpose and significance of the investigation should be highlighted along with the background of the research work.
Materials and Methods
This section should include all-important materials and instruments used to produce the results. This section should include the design of the Experiment and the different techniques used in the research work. The important methods used shall be described in short with references. Insignificant details may be avoided. All modifications of techniques and procedures should be explained properly. New techniques/methods or substantially modified techniques/methods may be mentioned in sufficient detail in clear language. The statistical analysis method used shall be clearly mentioned with used software.
Results and Discussions
The results with its discussion should be brief and compact. It should be clear and precise. The results should be properly represented by tables and figures. The results must be explained along with discussions. The photographs should be clear, proper and sharp.
There should not be another title such as “Conclusions” at the end of the Discussion or with another paragraph.
Acknowledgment (if any): It should be before the reference after the section results and discussion.
References: References should be in alphabetical order.
Articles under preparation or articles submitted for publication, unpublished observations, etc. should not be used in the reference list. The names of Journals should be abbreviated according to Chemical Abstracts. Authors should maintain the accuracy of the references and they are fully responsible for it.
The reference should follow the following format.
Standard journal article (If more than two authors, the first six shall be listed followed by et al.)
For Journals, the format should be as follows: Author(s) of the article (surname first then initials). Year of publication. Title of the manuscript, Journal title abbreviated; volume number (issue number): page numbers.
Kumar A.B., Patil B.C., Patil B. B., Patel C.C. and Yadav P.K. 2019.Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on performance traits of Goats . Int. J. Life. Sci.,1(1): 50-56
In case if an author has cited two or more works published during the same year, then it should be should be distinguished by a lower case letter like a and b after the date.
For Format for books and another monograph: Author AC, Author CB, Author AC. Title of Book. Edition, Volume, Publisher, City, year, page numbers.
Kumar AB. Indian Science. Edn 1, Vol. I, XYZ Publication, N.Jersey, 2019, 123-157.
For Patent Reference: Parihar, A. K., Singh, S. and Patel, S., A Formulation for pain relief in goats, Indian Patent House, No. 1111/DEL/2018 dated 2/04/018
For Website Reference: http:/ 21 May, 2010.
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