E-ISSN 2582-5178

Plagiarism Policy

The International Journal of Life Sciences and Applied Sciences (IJLSAS) typically follows a strict plagiarism policy to maintain academic integrity. Here are some common components of such a policy:

Plagiarism Definition

Plagiarism is the use of someone else's work, ideas, or expressions without proper acknowledgment. This includes direct copying, paraphrasing, or presenting someone else's research findings as one's own.

Policy Components

  1. Originality Requirement: All submitted manuscripts must be the original work of the authors. The journal does not accept manuscripts that have been published previously or are under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  2. Plagiarism Detection: The journal committed for the similarity index and the context of matches.
  3. Threshold: The journal usually has a specific threshold for similarity, often around 10%. Manuscripts exceeding this limit are reviewed more rigorously for potential plagiarism.
  4. Consequences:
    • Minor Overlaps: Authors may be asked to revise their manuscript to reduce similarity and properly cite sources.
    • Major Plagiarism: Manuscripts found to have significant plagiarism may be rejected outright. In severe cases, the authors' institutions may be informed, and sanctions may be applied.
  5. Self-Plagiarism: Reusing one's previously published work without proper citation is also considered plagiarism. Authors should ensure they do not submit the same research to multiple journals.
  6. Ethical Responsibilities: Authors must ensure that their work adheres to ethical guidelines, including obtaining necessary permissions for reproduced material and ensuring accurate authorship attribution.
  7. Corrections and Retractions: If plagiarism is discovered post-publication, the journal may issue corrections or retract the paper, depending on the severity of the plagiarism.
  8. Author Responsibilities: Authors must sign a declaration confirming the originality of their work and adherence to the journal's plagiarism policy.
  9. Reporting Plagiarism: The journal encourages readers and reviewers to report any suspected plagiarism. All reports are investigated thoroughly, and appropriate actions are taken.